by K9 Power Team March 21, 2017 3 min read

Pretty much every dog person out there knows that when it comes down to it, our K9 friends are superior to us in almost every way. From their unbridled excitement the moment your keys jiggle the door handle to their extraordinary cuddling skills, dogs know exactly how to steal your heart every single time. Here are just 10 ways dogs are far better than humans.


1. Dogs never judge

In a world where even Netflix tries to shame you for binge-watching trashy TV shows for five hours straight, your dog is cuddled up next to you with nothing but love in his judgement-free eyes. He loves when you drive through McDonald’s (can I haz a French fry?!), he’s ALL about that solo Saturday wine night in, and he cares zero percent that you skipped the gym for the 12th week in a row.

shutterstock_4033124982. Dogs are ALWAYS happy to see you

Even if you scolded your pup for chewing your shoes or knocking over the trashcan just an hour beforehand, there’s no way to contain his whip-like tail wag and Pointer Sisters-level excitement at your triumphant return to the front door.shutterstock_329612270

3. They never bail, reschedule or make plans without you

As far as your dog is concerned, you are the king of the world and what you decide to do is the best decision ever. Whether you want to go running in the rain, take a car ride to the grocery store or lie on the couch, your dog is down no matter what.  shutterstock_296922116

4. Your dog LOVES your cooking

It doesn’t matter if the smoke alarm is going off and your place smells like a bonfire while trying to cook lasagna, pups still think you’re a culinary genius. They’ll beg, whine and cry for those charred noodles baked with love and they’ll be forever grateful if you simply let them lick your empty plate.shutterstock_511325281

5. You don’t have to impress them

Your dog doesn’t care that you didn’t shower after you ran six miles (“YUM! Your legs are delicious!”) or if you’re wearing the same PJs on Sunday that you were wearing Friday night (“Wow, mom! You look beautiful!”), they are easily and infinitely impressed by everything you do.shutterstock_524212318

6. They’re not worried about germs

Even if you’re bedridden with pneumonia, your dog will jump right up onto the bed with you and lick your congested face like it’s nothing. They don’t think twice about the soiled tissues all over the carpet or the constant sneezing.shutterstock_528200398

7. They don’t hold grudges

Dogs love you unconditionally no matter how mad you get at them for pooping in the living room or chewing your favorite Jimmy Choos. You can raise your voice or forget to let them out in the morning, but it will take no time at all for them to jump right back onto your lap with full forgiveness.shutterstock_518769835

8. No adventure is too small

Just taking your dog on a car ride to get gas is a wonderful adventure worthy of tail wags and face licks.shutterstock_317003540

9. They always know how to comfort you

There’s never that awkward, “I’m at a loss for words,” moment with dogs that occurs with humans. A dog is man’s best friend because dogs don’t have any reservations when it comes to comforting their humans at a time of need.shutterstock_409294558

10. They are happy to clean up your messes

When was the last time you dropped crumbs all over the floor and your human friends came over and started cleaning it up for you? Dogs have those messes covered.

Dogs are the best friends humans could ask for! Shop the K9POWER Combo Packs to show them how much you appreciate them

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