by Robbi Hess July 25, 2022 3 min read

We know pet parents are loyal to the breeds they love. Two of the founders love German Shepherds, we have team members who have mutts and another who is loyal to mini poodles. No matter what type dog you love, bottom line is – you love dogs!

July 31 was National Mutt Day and we want to sing the praises of mutts, aka mixed breed dogs. Many dogs you can adopt from a shelter or rescue fall into the “mutt” category, bit there are also rescues and organizations that are breed specific.  

Great reasons to adopt a mutt

Why should you share your life with a mutt? Here are a few reasons to consider (you’ll also notice that these reasons are universal for everyone who shares their lives with a dog)

Help stop puppy mills. Many puppy mills focus on specific breeds and those breeders look at profit over the priority of the health and wellness of the puppies and dogs. You just might be taking a stand against puppy mills when you adopt a mutt from a reputable rescue organization or shelter.

Mutts may not be predisposed to genetic diseases. Some purebred dogs are prone to certain diseases that have been passed down to them genetically through their parents. Yes, a mixed breed dog could have a genetic predisposition based on his or her breed, but they might not be as prevalent.

Mutts are friendly! Pet parents of mutts swear their mutts are great with kids and families, have amazing personalities and are adaptable to their living arrangements. Yes, you will still have to socialize your mutt and you will want to take your dog or puppy for at least basic obedience training. Working with and training your dog will help him be a better family member and it’s a great way to bond with your dog.

The cost to adopt a mutt is typically lower than the cost to get a purebred dog. If you adopt an older mutt you may find it costs even less, but you will want to feed your senior a healthy diet and supplements to ensure he stays young at heart!

Unravel the mystery of your mutt’s genetic make up. You can get a doggie DNA test then have a “reveal” party to share what breed your pup is. Turn the reveal into a doggie get-together and consider giving prizes to the dogs of the owners who guess closest to what breeds your mutt embodies.

Saving a life. If you adopt your mutt form a rescue or shelter you are not only saving her life, but you are also saving the life of another dog who may be in need of shelter until he finds his forever home.

You want a dog who is as unique as you are! When you adopt a mutt who knows what you’re getting! Floppy ears? Pointy ears? Long smooth coat or short rough coat? Loud, deep barker or small, yippy voice? White, black, brown, ginger, gray… and any mix of these colors and who knows how many combinations! No matter what type coat your pup has, give them our K9 Power Show Stopper™ to promote healthy skin production so your dog will have a shiner, healthier coat – no matter what type fur he has!

K9 Power has become a leader in the dog supplement market. It is a place we are honored to be. We are here to help your dog live a healthier, fuller life--absolute bottom line. We know how much a dog adds to your family, and we are simply trying to give back to each and every dog we can.

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