by Robbi Hess July 02, 2022 2 min read

Is your dog afraid of loud noises like fireworks? Most dogs are so scared they shiver, shake, run and hide or some even run out the door and get lost in the dark of night.

On July 4th – Independence Day – and other days of the year, fireworks light up the night sky. Some pet parents say their neighbors continually set off fireworks and firecrackers and their poor pets are disturbed and how terrified their normally calm pets become.

While humans may adore fireworks, for our beloved pets the sights, sounds and even the smell of fireworks are terrifying. Because fireworks are a sound that is out of the ordinary and are severely louder to a dog than to humans, no doubt your cherished pet (all pets) would be the most secure at home, with you. and hopefully so infrequent our dogs don’t have the chance to become accustomed to them and their fear is amped up.

Consider these tips to keep your dog safe and calm on the 4th of Julyand other times of the year when fireworks are lighting up the night sky.

  1. Keep your dog indoors. Even calm dogs can get scared and bolt off into the darkness. The ASPCA reports that July 5 is the busiest time at the shelters because of lost dogs that are taken to there. Don’t let your dog become a statistic. Remember, if your dog is anxious and you keep him at home, he may be more anxiety-ridden if he is home alone. You may need to pass on attending fireworks displays to stay home and comfort your furry friend.
  2. Keep your dog’s collar on him. Make sure the collar has tags with your up-do-date contact information. Even if your dog is in the house, it’s wise to keep a collar on in the event he dashes out the door.
  3. On the day of the firework display, give your dog plenty of exercise, tire him out. Be sure to take him out to potty before dark. If at all possibly, get in the car with him and go somewhere quieter, he’ll love you for this.
  4. Create a “safe space” for your dogs. If they use crates, make sure the crate is readily available and put a few of their favorite toys, treats like our great-tasting and healthy Carnivore Cookies and bedding in there. Dim the lights, turn on a television and let them chill out in their safe space.

Even after the fireworks displays are over, your dog may still be stressed and anxious. Don’t let them outside without being on their leashes. Also keep in mind that a stressed-out dog may act differently than usual and it’s up to you to keep a watchful eye on her.

Have a safe and happy Fourth of July. Keep your pets safe and comfortable and enjoy the rest of your summer!

K9 Power has become a leader in the dog supplement market. It is a place we are honored to be. We are here to help your dog live a healthier, fuller life--absolute bottom line. We know how much a dog adds to your family, and we are simply trying to give back to each and every dog we can.

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